Friday, March 29, 2013


So... It has been a while. On day soon I will be able to start a blog with out feeling guilty about not blogging. I've been up to no good :-) but I accept that. The spring is here and it represents a new beginning. I for one am looking forward to it.

I had an aha moment a few weeks ago, I have a problem with consistency. Since my realization I have been praying to get better at beginning consistent. I've noticed the the things I have been consistent with like taking the stairs to my office. My latest streak is 30 days, which I ended cause I was having a convo with a friend. I've been doing my hair on my own for over two years now. Staying natural for this long is also an accomplishment. So I have had some success I just need to learn from them and apply to other areas of my life.

There are 4 things I want to work on this spring:

Reading the Bible daily
Running/walking (3-6 miles a week)
Eating 5 fruits and veggies  daily
Writing a weekly blog post

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Got a new sports bra and other things

I've finally stopped being a cheapo and purchased a new sports bra. It came with great recommendations by a fitness mag and amazon reviews. So yay! Cross your fingers and hope it works :)

Not much else has been going on with me. I've been focusing a lot on my spiritual side. I think I'll share that part of my life too. Not sure yet though. It would definitely give me more things to blog about but I'm not good with blogging either.  So we shall see.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

It's been a while...

Still struggling with my weight and writing this blog. I really want to focus on both. I'll do it one day at a time, I guess. So what's happened since I last wrote here. I ran a 5k well run/walk in 49:04 seconds :). I hurt my calves but I'm pushing through anyways.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New Game Plan

So instead of losing weight I have gained weight :( so sad. I shouldn't be surprised though, I haven't been eating well. I worked out a bit but that probably just made is so I didn't gain a whole lot of weight. I now weigh 201 lbs.

Goal: By June 3, 2012 I will weigh 186 lbs.

1) Counting Calories: I'm going to plan weekly meals which will range between 1500-1700 calories a week.
2) Eat 5 or more fruits and vegetables a day
3) Eat Clean; minimally processed food
4) Aerobic exercise at least 45 mins 5 days a week
5) Strength Train at least 30 mins 2 days a week
6) Drink water, green tea, homemade Chai tea, and the occasional glass of wine

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Off to a Good Start

One week down and I'm doing okay. I was successful at drinking 79 oz of water for 1 day! I don't think I quite hit the mark the other days but I feel like I drank more water than juice. I did really well with breakfast. I only ate out Tuesday. I need to think about my breakfast options. 

Working out was a fail this week. I didn't do anything at all. This week that changes! I'm going strength train 3 times this week. One of the trainers at my gym created a routine for me about two months ago. The workout is designed so I can do it at the gym or at home with a few modifications. My work schedule is a little unpredictable right now. So, I'm going to do my workouts at home this week. See how it goes. 

It looks like Sundays will be my post days. It seems to be working. I'm 1 for 1 with my wellness goal!!!! Small steps right. :)


Sunday, December 4, 2011

December Goals

Each month I will make a measurements and photos post (see previous post) and a goals post.

Healthy Eating Goals

By December 31st I will be drinking at least 79 oz of water a day.
At one point I was drinking more water and unsweetened tea than anything else. Now, I'm drinking everything from Kool-aid to soda. This time I'm going to make sure I'm getting enough to stay hydrated everyday.

By December 31st I will be eating homemade breakfast everyday.
If I eat breakfast, it is from a deli across the street from my job. It is not as good as home cooked food and it cost an arm and a leg. So, I'm going to make an effort to take my breakfast to work. I'll have to come up with a few ideas.

Fitness Goals

By December 31st I will be working out at least 3 times a week. 
I was a yo-yo exerciser; You know someone who worked out really hard for weeks on end then stopped and let all the hard work go to waste. Not this time. I'm going to set a realistic workout schedule and build up to a more intense schedule. With the two healthy eating goals I've set I should see a little progress with my measurements.

Wellness Goals

By December 31st I will be making a new post at least 1 time a week.
This is by far my hardest goal for the month! I'm not very good with journaling, tracking etc. But I've started a blog, so I've got to get better or what's the point.

So I'll check back in next week, maybe sooner, to let you know how I'm doing.

Hearts, Stars and Balloons

December Measurements and Photos

Weight: 197 pounds
Left Arm: 15 inches
Right Arm: 14 inches
Chest: 44 inches
Waist: 38.75 inches
Abs (muffin top): 46 inches
Hips: 47 inches
Right Thigh: 28 inch
Left Thigh:  29 inches